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Introducing international brands and core technical

1、CAD / CAM 3D Digital Center:3M LAVA  All-ceramic Digital Authorization CenterDentsply Cercon Digital Technology CenterGermany Sirona Inlab-CAD /CAM 3D Digital Technology Service CenterGerman Wieland CAD / CAM Digital Technology Service CenterIn addition to these , we  introduced Willemin CNC machine tools, Citizen CNC machine tools, Hey Gears technology resin model printers, SISMA laser metal printers, Comprehensive access to intra-oral scanner data for mainstream brands worldwide, including 3Shape, Sirona, iTero,Carestream, Planmeca, etc.

2、International high-tech equipment: If you want to do your best, you must first sharpen your tools and insist on introducing and using advanced manufacturing equipment in the industry.

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